Saturday, March 29, 2014

2014 Payday 2 Full Game Download + Trainer And Crack

2014 Payday 2 Full Game Download + Trainer And Crack


Payday 2 is a cooperative first-person shooter video game developed by Overkill Software. The game was released on 13 August 2013 and it is the sequel to Payday: The Heist. In the game, players plan and carry out various heists and robberies by using a combination of teamwork, stealth and firearms. Gameplay has been heavily improved and expanded since its predecessor, with a number of new abilities, as well as a reworked stealth mechanic.

 2014 Payday 2 Full Game Download

 2014 Payday 2 Crack Only

2014 Payday 2 Trainer

Payday 2 heavily emphasizes cooperation between players. Heists begin with players in "casing mode", wherein they are free to roam the crime scene without raising suspicion. During this time, players have an opportunity to infiltrate under a guise of stealth and potentially disable security systems from the inside. Missions are completed when players successfully escape with their ill-gotten gains. Players carrying heavy bags of loot will move slower than their peers, necessitating that the loot be passed between players to achieve a quick getaway. Players can do this by dropping the bag on the ground, allowing others to pick it up, or sliding the bag along the ground to a distant player.Funds from successful heists are used as ingame currency to buy equipment, customize a player's loadout, or unlock special perks. Heists also provide experience points which allow players to unlock new weapons and gain skill points to be spent on perks. Perks fall under four trees, "Mastermind", "Enforcer", "Technician", and "Ghost", each featuring customization options and associated skills to be mixed and matched by the player.

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